Gum Recession: How to avoid and treat if necessary
Posted on (not posted yet) by Jessamyn Rodriguez
Gum recession is a common result of gum disease, a condition that affects millions of Americans. When gums recede, they pull away from the teeth, exposing the root of the tooth which is less resistant to further irritation. This part of the tooth can be sensitive, as can the gums be sensitive, the root is more prone to decay and according to one author, 76% of recession is progressive.
If there is a small amount of recession, adjusting tooth brushing habits may help, particularly using a soft bristle brush. The newest electric brushes, by Oral B, have indicator lights to tell you when you are putting too much pressure on the gum tissue.
When the recession progresses, regeneration of the gum tissue may be needed. Steps that can help you to prevent further gum recession are:
Limit the pressure when brushing your gums. Brush the bottoms of the teeth lightly while minimizing the amount of pressure placed on the gums.
Floss gently. Even if you have sensitive gums, you need to continue flossing your teeth. This will help to remove bacteria from hard-to-reach places in your mouth.
Choose your mouthwash carefully. Gum recession will make your mouth feel sensitive to a variety of things, including the harsh ingredients that are found in many mouthwashes. Avoid rinses with alcohol, and instead, choose options that are formulated especially for sensitive gums and teeth.
Use a toothbrush with softer bristles. A toothbrush with soft bristles is the best option for sensitive teeth, so they can also be useful for gum recession. They are designed to fight plaque deposits without being too abrasive on the teeth.\
See your hygienist regularly: measurements help him/her to determine if the recession is progressive. Much like car maintenance, dental problems caught early can be dealt with prevention and interception.
The concern about gum recession applies to teeth and even more so to dental implants.
Yours for better health, Greg Kammeyer, DDS, MS, DABOI
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