Solutions Dental Implants

Immediate Loading Implant Options
Sun City West, AZ

While dental implants are a fairly recent addition to tooth replacement options, providing an alternative to bridges and dentures, they have become one of the most popular choices. Along with restoring the functions of your mouth and the aesthetics of your smile, implants provide numerous benefits over traditional treatments. Because your crowns rely on the implants for support, rather than your gums, they are more comfortable. They can be cared for just like your natural teeth. They also help to preserve the integrity of your jawbone, stopping and preventing the bone loss that follows tooth loss. With dental implants, you typically do not get your final restorations until after you have healed. At Solutions Dental Implants, we can eliminate the wait with immediate loading implant options.

The Typical Implant Procedure

Typically, when you get dental implants, you are provided with temporary teeth, which stay in place while you heal. Healing can last for several weeks to several months, depending upon how many implants are placed into the jaw. Once you have finished healing, then the process of creating your final restorations begins. The temporary teeth are removed and impressions of the mouth taken. The impressions are sent to a dental lab, where your new crowns are designed and created. While you wait for your permanent restorations, the temporary teeth are set back in place. Once the restorations are ready, they are finally loaded into place.

Immediate Loading

With immediate loading, there is no wait for your final restorations. Instead, they are placed immediately after your implant surgery. Impressions are taken before surgery, and computer technology allows for the design and fabrication of your new restorations. They are ready and waiting for you when you arrive for your surgery. As soon as surgery is complete, the restorations are secured into place.

Diagram of All-on-4 Treatment Concept implant bridge placed in the jaw

Options for Immediate Loading

There are a couple of options for immediate loading implants. One is the All-on-4® Treatment Concept. This treatment is commonly used for patients who have suffered too much bone loss in the jaw, and cannot support the necessary number of implants required for an implant supported denture. The implants are strategically placed in the jaw to take advantage of the bone mass that remains. Two implants are placed at the front of the jaw, and two are placed at the back. The back two are inserted at a 45-degree angle, which helps to maximize contact with bone and avoids the sinus cavities. It is often done to avoid the need for bone grafts or other bone regeneration procedures. The other option available for immediate loading is the All-on-6. This option uses more implants than with All-on-4.

The Benefits of Immediate Loading

Immediate loading dental implants offer several benefits:
•  You are given your permanent restorations right away, rather than dealing with temporary teeth.
•  You can test the implants.
•  Less office visits overall.
•  You can avoid the need for dentures.

Are There Any Downsides?

While immediate loading does have many advantages, there are a few downsides as well.
•  Implants can be more expensive than traditional dentures, depending upon the number of implants placed.
•  It is a surgical procedure, and there may be more risks in certain circumstances.
•  The process is more involved than with traditional dentures.

If you are interested in learning more about immediate loading implant options, and if they are right for you, call Solutions Dental Implants and schedule your consultation today at (480) 956-6113.

Examples of Immediately Loaded Implants

View patient #1, a Teeth in a Day patient under CASE STUDIES.

Xray of patient with Teeth in a Day from Solutions Dental Implants

This patient had a number of hopeless teeth. He chose to have an adequately predictable solution of All-on-Four. His hopeless teeth were extracted, the implants placed and the temporary teeth were attached to them at the same time.

This patient had his upper teeth removed, implants placed and new temporary teeth on day one and on day two had his lower arch treated. I find fatigue of the patient and surgical team is minimized by treating one arch at a time.

Patient #2 - All-on-Six

This patient suffered from a chronic dry mouth and the resulting continued decay on teeth, around fillings and crowns. She considered saving her teeth and having them restored but decided that long-term, replacement with dental implants was her preferred option. She chose the more predictable All-on-Six plan for both arches.

Xrays of patient after All-on-Six Treatment at Solutions Dental Implants

Patient before All-on-Six Treatment at Solutions Dental Implants

Patient after All-on-Six Treatment at Solutions Dental Implants

This patient won't ever have any more decay or need any more root canal treatments

Patient #3

This patient wanted the best option available. The final teeth are porcelain bonded to Nobel metal which provides the strongest, longest lasting choice.

Xray of patient with Nobel dental implants from Solutions Dental Implants

smiling patient with Nobel dental implants from Solutions Dental Implants

More views of these and other immediate teeth and teeth in a day can be viewed in Lower Jaw CASE STUDIES.
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Immediate Loading Dental Implant Options | Sun City West, AZ | Solutions Dental Implants
With traditional dental implants, the entire process can take several weeks to several months. With immediate loading options, there is no wait for your final restorations. Instead, they are placed immediately after your implant surgery.
Solutions Dental Implants, 13920 West Camino Del Sol, Suite 11, Sun City West, AZ 85375-4438 / (480) 956-6113 / / 8/18/2024 / Tags: dental implants, all on 4 dental implants, teeth in a day, dental crowns, bone grafting, implant supported dentures, implant dentistry, pain free dental implants, tooth replacement, full mouth dental implants, same day teeth